2008. október 21., kedd
Special ingredients in mexican dishies
Flor de calabaza (squash blossoms) are used in everything from soups to sauces. Huitlacoche is a small, dark fungus which grows on a corn stalk and is surprisingly creamy and delicious. Crepas de huitlacoche (huitlacoche crepes bathed in a dreamy cheese sauce) are a singularly Mexican treat. Romeritos and epazote are two pungent herbs which add a special zest to fish, beef and chicken dishes. Pepitas (pumpkin seeds) are used in sauces, most commonly in pipian, which is used to top many chicken dishes.
Regional cuisines - Puebla - Mexico

Mexico City earthquake

2008. október 20., hétfő
The Angel of Independence

El Ángel was built to commemorate the centennial of the beginning of Mexico's War of Independence, celebrated in 1910. In later years it was made into a mausoleum for the most important heroes of that war. It is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Mexico City, and it has become a focal point for both celebration or protest. It bears a resemblance to the Victory Column in Berlin.
Metropolitan Area of the Mexico

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